
A Carving Masterclass at the Wilderness Survival School

Driving west down the A303 usually means that I’ve got a smile on my face, every time I’m on this road it’s because I’m about to do something fun. Often it’s because I’m headed down to Cornwall for my holiday, but this time I’m going camping and carving in sunny Wiltshire! After several months of being locked down (again!) and unable to get out on a camping trip, the sense of excitement ahead of my next adventure was palpable. And it was with good reason that I was so excited because this wasn’t going to be any old camp. I was heading off on a carving masterclass at the Wilderness Survival School so that I could learn from the bushcraft and crafting maestro that is Joe O’Leary.    I don’t think I’ve spent so much time preparing my kit, packing and then re-packing. Sad though it may seem, there is a part of me that rather enjoys the preparation that goes into my camping adventures. So for this trip, I loaded up my backpack with everything that I’d need for three glorious Spring...

A Bimble, Brekky and Birdsong

 Hi de Hi campers, It's late February and spring is in the air, I decided to get up bright and early and head off to my local woods for a bimble and breakfast. It always a pleasure to amble through the woods and listen to the wildlife as everything starts to kick back into action after winter.  For breakfast, I decided to treat myself to a spam and egg muffin. I had forgotten how much I like spam but was kicking myself for not bringing any cheese so that I could create my own version of those wonderful McDonalds McMuffins!  I love it when the days are getting longer though, I was able to get out at 6am, enjoy a few decent hours in the woods and was back home before lunch feeling refreshed and relaxed. Feel free to click on to my video below and see how I got on and enjoy some of the birdsong.

2020 - A year in review: Hi de Hi Campers, it's been a while!

Well it's been a year since I last posted on this blog, but, what can I say it's been a difficult year! Anyhow I think it's about time that I blow off the cobwebs on this blog and offer up a bit of an insight into what's been occurring. Regular readers of my blog will know that I'm not one for doing reviews. But I thought I'd make an exception by doing a blog on 2020 and offer up a review of the year. In a nutshell 2020 has been a car crash of cataclysmic proportions, a steaming turd, a fart that is so smelly that it makes you wretch.....the end. There you go, thanks for reading, please like, share and subscribe for future updates..... Only joking, I really need to be more positive! 😜 Cast your mind back to January 2020, life was plodding along nicely. I was still getting my monthly camps in and had even started to create some more YouTube videos, I'll link into those videos below and throughout this blog. In February I hiked into some local woods for a cam...