A Day in the Woods practicing Bushcraft skills

I thought I'd share a short video that I made while out on a day camp in my local woodlands. In this video; Des and I set-up our tarps, drink lots of tea and cook up some fine food. I hadn't planned on doing any whittling, but ended up carving a spoon from a lovely piece of seasoned Ash. Unfortunately I didn't get around to finishing it off as I left my crook knife at home, but it will be finished off in my shed or when I next venture out to the woods. I'll keep this blog post nice and short because I do sometimes have a tendency to go off on one and waffle about every last detail. Let me know what you think of the video, it's not a skill set that comes easily to me, but I'm working to improve and may start to post a few more videos up here. Happy New Year to you all