First Solo Camping trip

I’ve been wild camping for a few years now, but it was with some trepidation that I set off on my first solo camping trip back in September this year. The weather was relatively warm but changeable, the leaves were starting to change colour, things were starting to become rather Autumnal. I’ve been wanting to do a solo trip for a short while now. I wanted to experience what it was like to be camped out in a quiet area of the woods where you can sit and enjoy the sights and sounds of the woodland, be it the trees blowing in the wind, the finches and tits wisping from branch to branch or the squirrels hunting for acorns. For me, this was also a time to relax, forget about work and concentrate on the simple pleasures in life. There were also some bushcrafty skills to practice. I had all the ingredients to make a nice curry and intended to cook it on my small wood burning stove (the honey stove). All I needed to do was source some tinder and firewood. I was camped in a fairly diverse wo...