2020 - A year in review: Hi de Hi Campers, it's been a while!

Well it's been a year since I last posted on this blog, but, what can I say it's been a difficult year! Anyhow I think it's about time that I blow off the cobwebs on this blog and offer up a bit of an insight into what's been occurring. Regular readers of my blog will know that I'm not one for doing reviews. But I thought I'd make an exception by doing a blog on 2020 and offer up a review of the year. In a nutshell 2020 has been a car crash of cataclysmic proportions, a steaming turd, a fart that is so smelly that it makes you wretch.....the end. There you go, thanks for reading, please like, share and subscribe for future updates..... Only joking, I really need to be more positive! 😜 Cast your mind back to January 2020, life was plodding along nicely. I was still getting my monthly camps in and had even started to create some more YouTube videos, I'll link into those videos below and throughout this blog. In February I hiked into some local woods for a cam...