Making a Collapsible Bow Saw

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck If a woodchuck could chuck wood? As much wood as a woodchuck could chuck, If a woodchuck could chuck wood! Try saying that after a few beers! On my last foray into the woods, I thought I’d have a go at making a simple collapsible buck saw that I could use whenever I needed to cut large pieces of wood. I originally learnt this technique at the annual May Day meet that’s organised by the good folks at the Bushcraft magazine and I wanted to try making a saw while ‘out in the field’. This is quite a nice little project to undertake while you’re in the woods our out on a camp so why not give a go for yourself. Here's what I did: Tools for the job: Saw – Yes I know you need a saw to make a saw! This may seem counter-productive, but you can make a much more capable saw that can potentially process bigger bits of wood. Knife Cordage – I used 550lb paracord 21 inch bow saw blade. 2x split rings (these are optional) Stag...