November 2018 Wildcamp: Camping and Catapults.....

Two weeks after my last camp and lucky old me is back out again. This time I’m camping with some friends on the Essex side of the Thames estuary. Our plan was to enjoy a walk along the riverside, checking out some of the military relics along the way and of course enjoy some of the local wildlife. As is often the case in the run up to a camping trip I find myself obsessing over weather forecasts. Will it rain, what are the temperatures going to be like, what about the wind direction? It is very typical of a Brit to be worrying about the weather! but in this case it’s important in helping me decide what kit to pack and how to pitch my shelter. The weather was set to be relatively mild (for the time of year) albeit with a reasonable south westerly wind making it feel a bit cooler. The biggest issue though was rain, we were set to get quite a lot of it from 4pm onwards! With this in mind I opted to take my tent (MSR Elixir 2), it is probably my heaviest shelter option but...