September 2018 Wild Camp: Time for a Meal Deal

Anyone that knows me, knows that I like food…….Err hang on a minute, that’s wrong….I LOVE food! I spend my life bouncing from one meal to the next while shoe horning in audacious spurts of exercise in order to keep my obesity levels finely balanced. And so it goes without saying that, for me at least, one of the most thought provoking things to go into my planning for a camping trip is not so much the kit, but of course the food that I want to eat and whether I’ll have enough room in my bag for it! So what do I do? Sometimes I try to re-create the amazing meals that my wife and I have at home. Sometimes I trawl the supermarket aisles in search of inspiration. And other times I watch countless youtube videos of other outdoorsy folk to see what food they’re throwing down their gullet. All too often I watch these videos and feel a tinge of disappointment when I see them reaching for an ‘adventure meal’. Yes, I’ve tried a few of them and yes I recognise their advantag...