Christmas 2017 Wildcamp: Wet and Windy!

Sometimes camping trips don’t always end up being as successful as you’d like them to be. I think that was the case with my latest overnight adventure in between the Christmas and New Year celebrations. The weather forecast was pretty brutal, cold with strong winds and heavy rain! Taken on their own I can deal with them relatively easily. But when these thugs of nature join forces, they have a tendency to make life difficult for the outdoors enthusiast. However, I was determined not to let mother nature get in the way of my enjoyment and prepared myself for a typically English winters day. After all…..’if it aint raining, it aint training’! Without further ado, I layered up with some warm clothing, donned my waterproof jacket and trousers, strapped on my heavy backpack and battled through the wind and lashing rain to reach my usual camping spot. Happily I was meeting some friends there who had already camped out the previous night, we’ve made a bit of a tradition of ...